Anatomy & Physiology 243

Tom Nordman A&P 243 7:30 Winter 05

Monday, January 10, 2005

Shots of the Thymus Gland, well my best try anyway.

Well here we go. I spent the afternoon in the A&P lab trying to get some good photos of the cells we have been looking at this week. After many attemps I finally got it down with the help of a toilet paper tube (empty of course) some tape and alot of patients, well we can't forget the camera, and the cookies I had hidden in my pack. Mainly today I worked on the Thymus gland, and all of the points of interest everyone should know. There will be additions added to this site on a daily basis, even if it is just a message to say I was slacking and no new pics.


At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:50 PM, Blogger Mr.Momlandia said...

Kewl pics dude! I link you to my class webpage


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Latest news Today I finally posted the histology slides for this section, they are all here except for the bladderwhich will be here tomarrow afternoon. The fetal pig slides are here as well, both female/male and the kidney. Dave took a look at all of them and everything is correct, but it never hurts to make sure. This is the last lab test we will take in A&P, it will be a sad day to leave it all behind but time to move on. Take it easy,Tom email:

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